

Animals and Men started life around the winter of 1978/9 when Susan Wells took over vocal duties in what was a three piece called Psychotic Reaction. Based in Frome Somerset their first release Don't Misbehave in the New Age (1980) was an indie hit.
When the band split in '81 Susan and Ralph formed the Terraplanes.
A & M/Terraplanes released three vinyl 45s.
A few years ago demos by the band surfaced on the Messthetics/Hyped 2 Death label.
Recently the band have reformed and performed the odd gig and are releasing an EP of new songs soon on Convulsive Records.
Mississippi Records is proud to be the first to release an entire LP containing the three 45's and early demos, all recorded between 1979-83.
For fans of early UK DIY.
Animals and Men - named after a song by Adam and the Ants.

Titel: Never Bought Never Sold
Label: Mississippi
Stil: Postpunk
Best-Nr.: MR024
Typ: LP
Preis: 28.- CHF

ANIMALS AND MEN - Never Bought Never Sold

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Don't Misbehave In The New Age
Waiting For My Stranger
I Never Worry
Terraplane Fixation
Shop Talk
Dreaming Of Babylon
Treasure of the Damned

Evil Goin' On
It's Hip
We Are Machines
The Man With The Spiked-Toed Shoes
You Excite Me
Shell Shock

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